Monthly Archives: February 2013

Symtoms of brain tumor

The presenting features can be classified under: • Raised intracranial pressure • Focal neurological signs • Epilepsy. The duration of the symptoms and the progression and evolution of the clinical presentation will depend on the grade of the tumour—that is, its rate of growth. A patient presenting with a low-grade astrocytoma (Grade […]

Brain tumor classification

The general brain tumour classification is related to the cell of origin, and is shown in  shows the approximate distribution of the more common brain tumours. This chapter will discuss the tumours derived from the neuroectoderm and metastatic tumours. The following chapters will describe the benign brain tumours and pituitary […]

What causes brain tumors

Epidemiology studies have not indicated any particular factor (viral, chemical or traumatic) that What causes brain tumors in humans, although a range of cerebral tumours can be induced in ani- mals experimentally. There is no genetic predis-position but chromosome abnormalities have been noted in many CNS tumours . Neurofibromatosis type […]

brain tumors

Brain tumours

What causes brain tumors. Symtoms of brain tumor. Brain tumor classification. Treatment of different types of brain tumors Brain tumours are responsible for approximately 2% of all cancer deaths. Central nervous system tumours comprise the most common group of solid tumours in young patients, accounting for 20% of all paediatric […]


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